Sunday 17 July 2011

Someone asked me....

Someone asked me why we still need HUGS and haven't we finished yet?  Well its not really like that.

We published the Annual Report and Accounts for the Charity a couple of weeks ago and you can access it on the charity commission web site.

It tells you about the year to December 31st 2010.

But in summary our four projects in Uganda  are as follows;

St Zoe's Primary School with 395 children
St Zoe's Secondary School with 140 children
Good Shepherd Special Needs School with 100 children
St Kizito's near Kampala with 356 children
Lira Babies Home with 50 babies and nursery class children.
That makes about 1041 in total.

Look at what has happened to the value of the Uganda Shilling in the last year. Uganda has to use this currency to buy all its imports and that included oil.
With the huge rate of inflation in Uganda this year their costs have risen alarmingly. And to make it worse although Uganda has not had the extremes of drought of Somalia there has been a really poor wet season which has meant that water may have to be purchased and carried by truck to some schools.

Your help makes all this possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our daughter Naomi is currently a volunteer at St Zoe's. Speaking to her on the phone the other day she told us that the water tanks are empty and it is the dry season. The director Andrew is also struggling to feed the children as what he would normally budget for a month now lasts less than two weeks. They all appreciate the support that HUGS gives. Naomi is coming home soon and is looking forward to running water and a range of food, but the children at St Zoe's do not have that to look forward to.
Shaun and Carole Perryman