Sunday, 15 April 2012

Some school building progress

2011 was a bit of a nightmare for our friends at St Zoe's in Uganda. A corrupt builder stole money and set back our progress on both the secondary and vocational schools by about a year and the serious drought and massive inflation in food prices made things worse.
But the good new is that things are getting back to normal. School attendance is high and we have been able to restart the building of both the secondary and vocational schools and also build a new latrine block for the seniors. We aim to have the buildings complete by about June this year and to start using them very soon after.
We have also put in a bid to Orange for a grant to set up an Internet Cafe and have almost raised the money needed for a major fresh water borehole and associated water storage and distribution systems for both the school and the village.

 The School truck delivering timber for the new buildings at St Zoe's.

Although HUGS is not directly fund raising for Rwanda we may wish to do so in the future. But we did visit last year and gave a small grant to help the Banyatereza Sisters to carry out a feasibility and design study for a primary school.
The designs were used to raise funds in Netherlands and thanks to a charity it was possible to make a start and to build 4 class rooms and start the school The Dutch donors gave €43000, a really generous gift.
The school will open the new buildings in the next few weeks.

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