Tuesday, 8 May 2012

AGM Golf and Caterpillars

HUGS AGM was held on May 3rd and our Report and Accounts will be available for all supporters to see on the Charity Commission web site in the next few days.
One big decision was that we would encourage the team at St Zoes to strengthen their management resources to give help to Andrew and give more focus to school projects and expansion.

May is the month of the HUGS Golf Event at Romiley and we have filled all the spaces with 88 teams of four teeing off for charity. Last year it was a great event and we are hoping for the same this year. We start with bacon breakfast then the game and then all sit down for dinner and prize giving in the evening.
Volunteers who spend a year in Uganda (Rebecca and Naomi) will be caddying for players and will be taking time off from University to be with us.

But on May 20th we have Manchester's 10K BUPA run and 20 supporters have decided to enter supporting HUGS thanks to Trustee, Charlotte.

She has entered a team sponsored by her employer Russell Jones and Walker and they will go dressed up as HUNGRY CATERPILLARS

They have raised about £600 in sponsorship but it would be great if we could all help top make it £1000!!

Can we help. (some of you have done so already)

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