Sunday, 17 August 2014

Save the date

On Sunday September 28th at 1800 we are having a "Late Sunday Lunch" at the Peruga Restaurant, Woodheys on the Glossop Road near Marple Bridge.

The cost will be £25 per person with reduced price for children.

We want to make this a fun event with some entertainment and also the chance to catch up with other supporters and hear what is happening in Uganda and Rwanda.

Tickets on sale soon so please save the date. Please contact us for tickets.

This week we heard some good sustainability news from Fr John about progress with the agriculture at St Zoe's.

As many supporters will remember we not only teach the children but also provide meals. For many this is the only meal they might get in a day.

Our farm project has been more fortunate this year and there has been better management and better rainfall.

This is what Fr John told me this week.

During my year last year (2013) i made sure that all school land returned to the school. I also invested in the gardens. For the harvest of February-March 2014 we got 60 sacks of maize, and this accounted for 49% of the food needs of the whole St. Zoe for the term. In the season that followed (the short rains, where the dominant crop is "beans" We harvested 36 sacks of beans. This is more that we need for a whole year (bean consumption is slower than maize), and the surplus can profitably be sold off to subsidise for other needs. It is in view of this that I think St. Zoe's school land and farm should be made into a success story of self reliant food security. 

One of our early students who has been supported by St. Zoe's right from the beginning was ordained Deacon on 2nd August 2014. He is now Rev. Deacon Taddeo NTWATWA. You cannot recognize him, but he has almost always been around whenever your visits fall in holiday periods. He will be ordained priest next year July 2015.

Trustee Denise Ead had a great Clothes Swap and Coffee Evening during August and invited lots of friends and neighbours to come along. The event was a great success and raised over £600 which has been sent to St Zoes to start some nutrition development for the children who get very little variety in their diet and eat very little fruit despite the country being a great fruit grower.