Tuesday, 3 September 2019

The Nursery School for Deaf Children

After a lot of thought and the exchange of ideas we have now settled on the design for the St. Francis de Sales Nursery School for deaf children, near Jinja, Uganda.

It will focus on the early years help needed by these children and prepare them for mainstream schooling when they leave. Most of the children will be boarders because they are expected to come from homes quite some distance away. So there will be dormitories for boys and girls, matrons to look after the children and three classrooms with trained teachers. Sick rooms will be included.

The courtyard design gives increase security and a safe place for playtime. Covered walkways give access to toilets and a large hall for dining and for meetings of parents and members of the Jinja Organisation of Parents of Deaf Children (OPDC) who are our partners in the new project.

Kitchen space and accommodation for teaching staff to live on site will be in additional buildings on the site.

Parents will be doing work on the preparation of the site and possibly in helping with construction. More about this later.

The school will also provide office space for OPDC who currently work from a tiny and overcrowded office rented elsewhere.

HUGS has been extending scholarship help to children with disabilities in addition to work we have been doing for over 10 years with Good Shepherd School in Fort Portal. We have now awarded  22 scholarships through OPDC and most of these children have some form of disability. We have awarded 116 scholarships with 67 current ones.

So now we need to get prices for this work which we think will take about 2 years. Our fundraising is well advanced and we think we have enough to fund about half of the work at present.

Maybe you could help?

Perhaps with a donation to help with the building costs or sponsoring some children or a teacher?

HUGS takes none of your money for any form of overheads, administration or travel. It all goes to the projects.

Donating is easy. There is a link at the top left of this page.