Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Trusted Generous and Well Connected

Trusted, Generous and Well Connected

We would like to tell you a story of how one man can make such a difference to the lives of some of the poorest people living in Uganda.

Ronald Kamoga was born in the KosOvo slum in Kampala. A place where 35,000 people are crowded together in makeshift homes with no access to clean water or reliable sanitation. The slum sits on low lying land and when it rains the water can rise to 2 feet in depth. A quarter of families are headed by single mothers as families are abandoned by their men. Half the people in KosOvo are children, supported by an average household income of $25 a week (of which $5 is spent on healthcare). When children do go to school, they miss almost a month of education every year because they are too sick to attend. Child protection issues are so common, there is no capacity to address even a fraction of concerns. Its a brutal, unforgiving place to raise a child.

Ronald's parents taught him the importance of education and by aged 21 he has started university. He went on the become a hospital administrator but felt he wasn't doing enough for the people he lived along side for so many years during his childhood.

Ronald now head a charitable organisation (CEFOVID) working in the centre of the slum, providing many of the services we take for granted. he makes a difference because he is trusted, generous and well connected. The Trustees of HUGS met him a year ago (on ZOOM) and agreed to help improve the lives of the children he cares for.

There are four main projects:
1. Provide clean water (it costs £130 to install a tap which serves 25 people)
2. Help children attend a school (it costs £200 per year, including a daily meal)
3. Education courses in health, nutrition and income generation
4. Microfinance loans scheme

Ronald uses his knowledge and expertise to simply 'do what he can'. He offers hope.  A Partnership with HUGS, means we can raise funds for him to 'do more than he could'. Every penny our supporters donate is used to help make a difference to vulnerable people. We couldn't do this without people like Ronald.  If your like to help him, please contact us (hugstrustees@gmail.com) to discuss more.

Make the most of being trusted, generous and well connected.

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