Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Ground Breaking

Building work has started on our new school. Situated in Busunju, an hour’s drive north of Kampala, the New Kosovo Hope School will dramatically and irreversibly improve the lives of the 300 primary school children who will be cared for there.

The children currently dwell in one of Kampala’s slums, where living is blighted by disease, violence, and poverty.  Most children have never seen the countryside and have never felt the joy of running freely in fresh air or drinking water which is safe.  Many have never been to school and aspirations are often as low as their opportunities.  We are about to change this.  Other HUGS schools have witnessed miraculous things that happen when children, with a lust for life, are given three square meals a day, books to read and safe places to play.  We look forward to sharing these stories with you.

Currently, the new school is all but large holes in the ground. To build a three-storey school, we need resilient foundations.  Not only in terms of steel and concrete but also in terms of partnership and respect.  We are blessed to have so many people we can call friends to help develop the new school. The Ugandan NGO (which will run the school) is headed by a warm-hearted man, with boundless energy called Ronald Kamoga. He is supported by a trustworthy and high-quality building company and our thoughtful and kind architect, Elly Wamala.  We give thanks to our funders, Sanjay and Venika, who are generous and caring and a long list of other supporters: Julie and Alec from Jamie's Legacy, Suky from Two-Tone and Lydia from REACH. Together we form a strong foundation which will ensure the new school will stand tall, be strong and always successful.

HUGS is a vibrant charity because of the input from so many people.  This year we are holding our Annual General meeting (AGM) in public. If anyone would like to attend it is starting at 19:30 tomorrow, 3rd of May, in Stockport.  Please message us if you’d like to attend.  You can also join us remotely.  We are only able to do our work because of the support given by so many people.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 697 992 2609

Passcode: HUGS

Thank You

Richard Bircher (Chair HUGS)

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